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6-990 Cartier Blvd

Hawkesbury, Ontario

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We are not your average dog walking service. We run with dogs. We started this business because we love running and we love dogs. What’s better than running with more dogs? Not much. Okay, maybe getting paid to run with dogs is just a bit better!

There are so many benefits gained for your dog with an active style. Your dog will get fit, lose weight, have reduced anxiety have reduced destructive behaviour, have an improved mood, have a curbed aggression, an improved cardio vascular system and generally be a healthier happier dog.

We run your dog or hike your dog, respecting their level of fitness, breed and age so that they are well exercised. They are always on leash and safe. We work to improve their fitness level while weight loss and healthy fur is an obvious byproduct. If your dog is too fat or out of shape we’ll make sure to take it easy but we’ll guarantee that your dog gets fit without causing any pain or stress. We are an investment into your dog’s health and happiness that you’ll see from day one.

Areas served: Vankleek Hill, Hawkesbury, Grenville, L’Orignal and Chute a Blondeau. If you live outside these areas we’ll be happy to invite you to bring your dog to us.

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